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Jeannine Courvoisier 's Linkedin Analytics

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Jeannine Courvoisier

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My colleagues often remark that when I enter a room, everyone comes together. Growing up with a Mexican and Czech heritage in Switzerland. I naturally stitched together a high level of empathy, excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a creative and innovative mindset. During my time at Zurich Insurance Company, I realized how my diverse cultural background helped me create business opportunities and strong partnerships. When I was working for Swiss Re, I further developed and maintained a strong understanding of client portfolios, delivered outstanding service, supported and strengthened the existing relationship when I collaborated with internal and external stakeholders. Today, I keep using these experiences to join the threads between people, teams and clients. I embrace change and flexibility and share knowledge. I like being involved in projects which focus on innovative initiatives relating to customer needs to create greater value for them and deliver more revenue for my organisation. As a certified leadership coach and trusted business partner, I promote collaborative, agile, and long-lasting team cultures and client relationships. I measure my success by co-creating made-to-measure solutions that address strategic needs. When I work with people, I make everyone feel comfortable to share their needs and desires. Finding a common purpose makes it easier to start weaving with the right needle. If this approach resonates with you, let’s connect!

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