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Jeff Pelletier

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You want Top Ranked Content. I write for Agencies and Brands like Teaminside Productions, DataGalaxy, Ternoa, Capsule Corp. Labs, Objectify, Appvizer, and others. ✅ SEO Content Creation: Blogs, Articles, Long-Form Content ✅ Technical Writing: Policies, Job Descriptions, Standard Operating Procedures ✅ Ghostwriting ✅ Copywriting for Web Pages 🌎 What You Get: ✍️ Adaptable Writing: Your brand requires flexibility. From technical SOPs, engaging blog articles, or compelling website copy – receive content that fits seamlessly with your vision. 🚀 SEO Superiority: You aim for the summit. My SEO certifications from industry leaders like SEMRush, Google, and HubSpot ensure your content doesn't just entertain but leads the charts. 🔧 Tech Integration: Your tools, my expertise. Familiar with platforms like Trello, Figma, and CMS. I'll plug right into your operational flow. ✅ Absolute Professionalism: Your time is gold. Drawing from 30 years in corporate, I promise punctuality, crystal-clear communication, and top-tier professionalism. 🔍 Meticulous Craftsmanship: You deserve perfection. Using Grammarly and the Hemingway App, every word delivered is refined to the T. 🌐 A Worldly Perspective: You target a global audience. My international experiences inject my writing with rare global insights. 🌍 What I Seek: 🗓️ Defined Timelines: Your content, on time. 💡 Interactive Communication: Your vision is pivotal. Open dialogue ensures your message shines through. 🖋️ Clear Directives: Your goals are my blueprint. The more precise the objectives, the sharper the content. 💰 Respectful Compensation: Recognizing the expansive expertise I bring, I lean towards per-word and project-based valuations. ✈️ Creative Freedom: Trust my expertise, and I promise content that exceeds expectations. 🛫 Personal Touch: Three decades in corporate, now navigating the freelance realm, my writing is the fusion of worldly wisdom and linguistic flair. Still the go-to wordsmith people turn to wherever they are. 🌐 LinkedIn Collaboration: 📩 Connect: Found value in my profile? Let's link up! 💬 DM: Share your project vision. 🔗 Portfolio: Ready to share if needed. 🌍🙏🏻

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