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Jennifer Blondo

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Highly-accomplished, results-driven leader with 10+ years of executive experience. Demonstrated ability to grow and scale business operations and processes to keep up with company revenue growth from $10m to $48m in revenue from 2009 to 2021 ($53m pro forma), primarily through bolt-on acquisitions. Key leader in Mergers & Acquisitions process, from due diligence through integration--15 transactions in five years. Highly-developed management skills in coaching new managers in accelerated growth positions, and developing their management skills in turn, to grow and scale the company’s leadership at a rapid pace. Core Compentencies - Accounting & Financial Management; Manager Coaching & Development; Project Management; Business Planning, Budgeting, and Rolling Forecasting; Data Analysis, Financial Analysis & Reporting; Operational Restructures of Departments, Positions and Processes; M&A Due Diligence & Integration; Leadership & Team Building; Technical Writing Other Specialties: KPIs, OKRs, efficiency and optimization, SOPs (standard operating procedures), internal controls, accounting, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, income tax, sales tax, property tax, payroll taxes, technical writing, editing, Microsoft Dynamics 365, ADP, QuickBooks, PestPac, Office365, SmartSheet, Asana, Remember The Milk, Trello

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