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I’ve helped thousands of my clients from many different industries succeed in their job interviews. As an interview coach, I work with all career levels, from C-suite to interns. My interview coaching clients have gotten jobs at FAANG companies, startups, top Fortune 100 and 500 companies, universities, and hospitals. My company, Interview Genie, is where many of the Amazon recruiters refer their candidates. Do you need help preparing answers to job interview questions? Would you like to practice your answers before your job interview? Are you worried your communication skills aren’t good enough for an interview? Would you like feedback on your answers and communication style? Are you nervous when explaining things in English? Would you like to warm up your English before a stressful job interview or presentation? I have a knack for pinpointing your job interviewing weaknesses quickly and a way of coaching you to improve without undermining your confidence. My coaching outcomes are excellent. I get regular emails from clients saying that the work we did together made a difference in their job interviews. Around 35% of my clients are referrals from former clients. I offer 3 solutions: ◆ Mock interviews with basic and behavioral questions. I offer personalized mock interviews on the phone or over video. I can help you master basic introductory questions like "Tell me about yourself" or "Why do you want to work here" and behavioral questions like “Tell me about the last time you had to deal with an unhappy client.” ◆ Written answers editing. I will read the answers you’ve prepared for the basic and behavioral job interview questions and give you written feedback. ◆ Amazon written exercise editing. I can help polish your essay. I work with clients all over the world over phone or video. Would you like to work one-on-one or chat about any of the above? Please contact me: jennifer @ interviewgenie. com ◆◆ www.interviewgenie.com

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