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Jeremy Lumsden's Linkedin Analytics

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Jeremy Lumsden

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Growing a software development team is hard work! ❌ Too much time recruiting ❌ Bad hires / high turnover ❌ Poor time to hire ratios If that sounds like you then you have come to the right place. Most of my clients had the same problems when we started working together. Actually most of the clients I’ve worked with throughout my career have some problems along those lines. The real problem that I started to notice wasn't being addressed by agencies or staffing firms. So I created a business that is focused on solving the whole problem. Lumsden Recruiting helps software companies go from wondering who or where their next hire will come from to a consistent and predictable hiring process. We call it The Enduring Talent System. Now my clients enjoy... ✅ Hiring the right people ✅ Better ROI on time ✅ Easily scalable teams Don't just take my word for it... “Jeremy provided excellent support to identify and recruit candidates. During our collaboration, he built a vast network of potential candidates to suit our technical needs. I particularly appreciated his capacity to assess if a candidate will be a good fit with our team culture.” - Daniel Lauzon, Senior Manager of UI Design at Cerence Inc. "So far this year Lumsden Recruiting has helped us hire over 16 people for our sales, onboarding and customer support teams" - Jonathon Moody, CEO @ net2phone Canada email me at [email protected] or send me a message here to get things started!

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