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Jill Farias

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I can help: ✅ Facilitate implementation of SaaS solutions ✅ Manage and nurture relationships ✅ Drive adoption lifecycle of SaaS solutions I thrive on learning and researching new topics while providing input and recommendations. I enjoy building meaningful relationships with others through active listening and understanding. I have years of experience conducting research, investigations and compiling information. I have written reports of investigation, final determinations on security clearance eligibility, and created spreadsheets documenting user access. My goal: Help HR and Security Technology companies maintain relationships with current customers by listening to their needs and wants, through analytics look at usage metrics over time, identify potential features or products that would benefit the customer. What sets me apart: I have over 14 years of experience in employee security in the US Federal Government and Private Sector. Recognized Federal Background Investigator and Personnel Security Specialist/Adjudicator. Highly skilled in strategy, research and analysis, data and information gathering and problem solving. Passion for assessing human behavior through investigations, research and analysis. What I bring to the table: Upskilling in Customer Success and Data, Combined with my extensive background as Federal Background Investigator and Personnel Security Specialist/Adjudicator in the federal government and in personnel assurance in the private sector, I know that my passion for helping organizations stay protected against insider threats, will help customers understand the importance of security and investigation products. Looking for the following roles, in person DFW area ( Plano/Frisco), hybrid or remote: #Customer Success #Data Analysis #Investigations #Human Resources Clifton Strengths: *Learner *Input *Focus *Futuristic *Analytical Contact Information: Jill Farias 703-967-2355 [email protected]

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