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I wish to share others' thoughts and raise questions on the aspects of sales and business culture that I feel get overlooked for being too counterintuitive or obscure. Which is why I also have a fondness for sales and marketing leaders who think at a more systemic level like Dave Brock and Keenan and Hank Barnes. These leaders specifically see the value in focusing on details and trends we overlook and try to bring our attention to them, and I want to one day be one of their peers. As for my personal history, I enlisted in the Navy as a Nuclear Electronics Technician/Reactor Operator for six years, then received my electrical engineering degree in a Top Ten university. I spent two years with DRS Naval Power as an Electrical Test Engineer and afterwards transitioned from Engineering to Sales with Solarwinds as a Sales Development Representative (SDR). After working at TestForce as a Technical Account Manager, I spent some time in Operations as a Building Operator over at Urenco, which provides enriched Uranium. Worked as an Estimator at Delta Connects, but left shortly after ChatGPT came out in March 2023 after seeing the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Prompt Engineering. I am currently looking for a role that will allow me to leverage my past experience in sales, engineering, and the military in a way that develops AI through the magic of LLMs. I know it seems strange to say that becoming a prompt engineer is a lifelong dream, but it is. The technology just wasn't there to give me clarity of vision until ChatGPT got released, but now that it's here, I know exactly what I want. I want a job that engineers and creates, but not just a surface-level on requirements. Having been on both sides of the vendor and customer table, I know how frustrating it is not to be able to precisely execute a project the way you want due to real-world friction. And LLMs promise to change that. As far as teaching goes, I've had quite a bit of experience. As a B2B sales rep who gave customized solutions to customers, such as semiconductor capital equipment or commercial HVAC plans, I know how to explain my proposals and give post-sale support to customers. I also had to train other people while I was in the Navy. And I don't just teach as part of my career, one of my favorite things to do is to write guides. I have a couple of guides I am particularly proud of in this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zgCcjuHcuq1aoZl0Z0ljVxchV6WPOZ8F5DYBqn3vTRk/edit

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