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Joel Chudleigh's Linkedin Analytics

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Joel Chudleigh

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Founder of Deep Footprints Digital, a digital marketing agency that helps small & medium sized businesses grow their online presence and sales. With 20 years of experience in digital marketing, I have become adept at supporting a broad range of businesses through their expansion using Digital Marketing channels. Our strength is Google Ads, Meta Ads and email marketing as well as the overall digital marketing strategy that supports these channels. In a very condensed summary we help our clients: - Develop a base strategy to determine targeting & keywords to use. - Work with them to understand their customers pain points and write compelling ad copy that addresses these. - Developing visually effective ads that draw attention to them. - Identify possible barriers to conversion and fix these using conversion rate optimisation principles. Our focus is on real tangible business results in a short time frame. We have helped over 125 businesses to maximise their potential and grow using paid search and paid social as well as email marketing. We work closely with our clients to ensure that we are maximising the full potential of your investment in marketing and advertising through an effective website that converts the traffic reliably. We do not see our responsibility stopping at the traffic arriving on your site - we get into the detail of all potential obstacles that may impede a businesses performance. My passion is to use the internet to connect like-minded people and to create value for businesses that I am proud of. I enjoy developing innovative strategies that differentiate my clients and my own ventures from the competition, and that align with our sustainability goals. I also love being involved in the day-to-day execution of the campaigns, and seeing the results of our work in terms of growth, customer satisfaction, and social impact.

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