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Joel Roy

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I’m a highly intrapreneurial biotech attorney obsessed with transforming the dusty legal function into a value-generating powerhouse. My brand is to provide highly strategic and pedal-to-the-metal legal advice that builds a strong foundation for success while ensuring compliance with current legislation. I also lead Novartis' Canadian legal operations along with ancillary global commitments in contracting. Oh, I'm also a musician and multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, proud father, and enthusiast of music gear, espresso, wheaten terriers, and fine literature. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this profile are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc., Novartis AG, or any of its subsidiaries / Les opinions exprimées dans ce profil n'engagent que leur auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions de Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada inc., Novartis AG ou de l'une de ses filiales.

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