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After 52 years in the construction industry and the last 15 at Manchester Airport, I am, at 68 years of age retiring to pursue a life of leisure. Thank you to everyone I've worked with over the years and I'll hope to say goodbye in person one day soon. A managerial and property professional with a proven track record in the retail, hospitality and aviation sectors. Has project managed some of the largest out-of-town shopping developments in Britain, and major retail rollout programmes all over the UK. Formerly working for Marks and Spencer PLC and Tesco PLC as Project Manager, heading up significant work streams building and refurbishing major retail outlets. Working as a team player has managed and motivated large staffs of professionals, expanding and maintaining the estates of blue chip retail and leisure companies. Currently working for Manchester Airport Developments Ltd as Senior Project Manager, heading up many diverse projects and carrying out CDM-C role on projects around the group. Specialties: budgeting, c, customer relations, directing, documentation, facilities management, file management, financial, iso 9002, macromedia director, management, microsoft works, negotiation, plc, procurement, property management, quality, reports, retail, retail management, safety, supervisory skills, supply chain, tender,
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