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John Hill

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At the age of twelve I switched from someone who was terrified of computers, to someone who saw them as an opportunity to create and grow. It was at this time, in my first year of high school that I discovered the world of computer programming. I had always loved science, engineering and maths, and loved creating worlds with Lego. Computer programming allowed me to combine my technical brain with my creative brain. The result? I was able to build worlds really fast! Fast forward a few years to my first corporate job. I worked for a software distribution company in St Leonards in Sydney. This role helped me cut my teeth in the "real world", where I: - Built and trained people on Crystal Reports (remember that software?) - Built and trained people on installation software - Provided technical support - Hand coded eCommerce systems - Managed web servers - And most importantly - learned how to use a proper CRM system All these skills are put to good use to help businesses like yours either choose, or get more from an exceptional CRM system.

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