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John Salomon

open on linkedin

Please see my complete profile at https://johnsalomon.com I have 23 years of in-depth, cross-cultural, international experience as a information security and risk management executive and subject matter expert. Recruiters: please do not contact me about positions other than senior information security management / advisory / strategy roles. Non-infosec friends: I'd love to hear from you by email. Infosec people I don't know: please send me a personalised note with your LinkedIn invite, or include the word "Stegosaurus" to show that you've read my profile. Stegosauri are awesome. My fields of expertise are - information security strategy and management - vulnerability management and incident response - cyber-threat intelligence - application and infrastructure security assurance - risk analysis and mitigation - corporate security policy, standards, and strategy development I am a superb communicator, innovator, and fast thinker, flexible in every way you can possibly imagine. I can translate between the business and the engineers, because I understand both. I excel at driving change in dynamic environments. Hire me when you need fast and unconventional thinking, a deputy and sparring partner who gets things done whether it's building or fixing, for making sure the ammo gets to the machine gun in a timely and effective manner, to have your back in a bar fight, in short, a ninja. Specialties: information security management - architecture - security strategy & policy development and implementation - security risk management - team development, training, and leadership - crypto and authentication - ISO 1400x/27000/27001/27002/27003/27005 - HIPAA - COBIT - Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) 404 - GDPR - intl. privacy and confidentiality best-practices and regulatory compliance - resilience building - threat information sharing Passed CISSP exam, decided not to give ISC(2) any more money.

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