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Jonathan Bozarth

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I'm a broker focusing on maximizing benefits cost and value for middle-market groups. I work across all industries, although I especially enjoy conversations with government contractors given the direct impact benefits have on their bidding and the niche set of rules their contracts dictate. I've chosen to work at AssuredPartners because we re-invest the commissions brokers get back into our clients so that it reduces their administrative workload and lets organizations exercise economies of scale beyond their current market position. This helps the HR staffs we work with tremendously. Perhaps more importantly, we dive deep into the data behind claims to reveal where expenses are coming from and implement programs to address health concerns. I specialize in alternative funding arrangements that allow finance departments to better understand and control their health insurance spending. Above all, I enjoy sharing the insights I get from working in this space every day with executives that are only thinking about benefits solutions a few times a year.

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