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Jorrit van Ginkel

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From 13 hours to 6.5 minutes. That's what AI can do for you ⤵️ → Editing a long podcast? Takes me 4 hours, AI does it in 4 minutes. → Writing a blog about that podcast? 3 hours for me, AI drafts it in 30 seconds. → Creating social media clips? Another 5 hours, but AI nails it in 2 minutes. Let's be real: AI's got skills I don't. Working with AI means: → More time for that project collecting dust for 6 months → Pump out more content to beat the competition → Maybe you don't need that extra teammate after all. The catch? Easier said than done 🥲 You're already swamped. You don't know what's possible. No one's telling you where to start. And let's face it: AI sounds super complicated. You're not alone. Most marketers I talk to are in the same boat. So, I've taken up the mission. → I'll explain in simple terms what AI can and can't do. → Show you step-by-step how to use AI for you and your team. → And I'll sprinkle in some humor 😎 Excited? Here are 2 options for you: 1️⃣ Sign up for my weekly newsletter: 'AI Marketing Machine'. One full guide a week on using AI ASAP. 2️⃣ Follow my LinkedIn. I post twice a week about AI in marketing and my entrepreneur journey.

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