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Hello 👋, and welcome to my profile! I’m Josephine Avwenaghagha, a legal and compliance expert based in Lagos, Nigeria, specializing in legal advisory, regulatory compliance, corporate governance, company secretarial services, and data protection. With a strong commitment to helping clients navigate complex legal frameworks, I deliver comprehensive advice, develop robust policies, and establish governance structures that ensure regulatory compliance and safeguard for clients' interests. My expertise is backed by excellent communication and problem-solving skills, alongside a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. I am passionate about leveraging my legal and business knowledge to support individuals and businesses, ensuring their objectives are met while adhering to the highest legal standards. Services I offer: Legal and business advisory Company secretarial services Regulatory compliance Contract drafting, review, and negotiation Policy formulation and statutory reporting Incorporation of companies CV writing and article drafting If you’d like to connect or inquire further, feel free to send me a message or email at [email protected], or book a free 30-minute consultation using the link in my bio.

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