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Call me when you need a successful CEO, COO, or you have a problem with: 1) Strategic Implementation - making your vision happen 2) Operational Integration - achieving unity of effort across your organization 3) Change Leadership - making a transformation happen well, and making it stick within your culture. I find the right way or make one to solve the problem, eliminate challenges, champion the movement, and exceed your expectations. Contact me directly for a paid consultation: E: [email protected] M: +1 757-373-6930 I have advised the President of the United States, the National Security Council, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, and many senior defense officials and military officers from the U.S. and dozens of allied nations in national security matters including geo-political risk, strategic communication, public relations, intelligence oversight, current operations, logistics coordination, strategic planning, technology, training and education, audits and inspections, financial risk, legal and policy compliance. ✅ Led and managed global teams as large as 412K people with a $518B annual budget that synchronized U.S. military operations in the Pacific (70% of the Defense Department). ✅ Led several successful global corporate transformations, reorganizations, and M&As, the largest was 123K people, $80B. ✅ 20+ years of successful CEO/COO leadership of elite teams and global enterprises in high-risk, high-threat environments accomplishing complex missions despite every obstacle or challenge. ✅ The largest P&L for which I was personally responsible was $847M annually including personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, planning, technology, R&D, legal, finance, compliance, facilities, and infrastructure with ultimate responsibility, accountability, authority for 3,900+ people across 19 business units operating in 72+ countries on 3 continents. ✅ I'm at ease in what some would consider uncomfortable or stressful situations. I tell senior leaders what they need to know to ensure their decision superiority with facts, analyses, and sound judgment rather than telling them what they may want to hear. ✅ Led U.S. and International teams (300+ senior government leaders from 8 countries) that implemented an unprecedented U.S. whole of government approach to enforce UN Security Council resolutions against North Korea. Having lived in 75+ countries, I demonstrate keen societal and cultural understanding.
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