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Joziya K.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Joziya K.

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I have a lot of expertise in evaluating data to analyse customer outcomes, planning and implementing strategies to improve service quality, productivity, and profitability. I am a goal-oriented person. I understand the importance of reaching out to the right audience and engaging them with compelling messaging. Whether you're aiming to elevate your company's profile on LinkedIn, expand your reach through employee advocacy, or revolutionize your sales strategy, I excel at delivering exceptional results for its clients ✅ I can help if you : ➡️ Sell B2B ➡️ Have a defined target client ➡️ Have the ability to meet with multiple new prospects per week ➡️ Have a proven product (or service) with real customers ➡️ Want more booked meetings 🚩 I CAN'T help you if you want : ➡️ Cheap O/Seas talent rates ➡️ A 'Marketing' or 'Automation' Agency ➡️ A charge-by-the-hour service or Pay per appointment. ➡️ To register people for an event ➡️ Tradeshow follow-ups ➡️ Are a B2C company I understand that every company is different and has unique challenges, and I approach each project with a customised strategy that is tailored to your specific needs. If you're eager to unleash the untapped power of LinkedIn, let's have a conversation. To inquire further, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

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