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Juan Pablo Doniz's Linkedin Analytics

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Juan Pablo Doniz

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I help B2B companies primarily in the tech/SaaS industry at a stage where PMF has been proven and the business has generated enough growth to attract capital. But it often is the case where these companies need to shift gears in order to step into the next growth stage. That's when I come in. I advise 20+ tech companies in the UK, Spain and Portugal, assess where they're currently in their journey and where they want to go, and establish a comprehensive strategy that will get us to achieve that vision. My experience is extensive when it comes to the planning and creative execution of end-to-end integrated marketing campaigns across multiple channels, with a particular focus on SaaS, FinTech and customer experience solutions. I primarily focus on: Growth Marketing & Demand Orchestration Digital Media Execution B2B Customer Acquisition Pipeline Velocity Buyer Enablement Content & Creative/Design Strategy I also love cycling and investing in real estate & small businesses.

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