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As a tech enthusiast, I am eager to enhance my skill and learn about the most effective tools for improving performance in the service or product sectors. Getting proficient in authoring processes such as Topic based and DITA (Concept, Task, Reference topics). Also, I utilize tools like Oxygen XML, MadCap Flare, and Markdown. Additionally, acquainted with management platforms such as GitHub and Confluence, along with illustration tools like Camtasia and Canva. Craft Guides (Getting Started, Installation, and Quick Start Guides etc.) tailored to diverse audiences while ensuring adherence to industry standards. My mission is to elevate the customer relationship/service paradigm. Moreso, I am dedicated to being a collaborative team player who both inspires and embraces challenges, all while leading a fulfilling and purpose-driven professional life. All views or comments expressed are of personal opinion with no intention to offend or discriminate, but only to share, discuss and learn.

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