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Judy Tsuei

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The story you tell the world creates your business. The story you tell yourself creates your reality. What story are you telling? As the founder of Wild Hearted Words, I lead a team of women to craft brand stories that sell. Follow me on LinkedIn to get elements of our signature formula for success: smart digital marketing strategy + captivating storytelling + leadership mindset coaching. In 2024, we're experiencing an economy where customers prioritize meaningful connections with brands like never before. With the growth of AI, consumers want authenticity like never before. Wild Hearted Words focuses on wildly authentic, story-driven branding. We're known for enhancing real engagement through powerful multicultural content creation driving conversions as an essential brand voice representative. Amplify your online presence, generate more sales, and elevate your business. Let's make your story beautiful today with these services: - Content strategy - Content creation - Brand development More about Judy: I’m the outspoken host of the F*ck Saving Face podcast dedicated to mental and emotional health for the AANHPI community & marginalized voices of color by breaking through taboo topics. You might also recognize me as the author of the Little Book of Tibetan Rites & Rituals, available at Barnes & Noble, Target, Amazon, Audible, and more! Find simple practices to rejuvenate your mind, body, & spirit here: https://amzn.to/3NpZ7hc I’m one of 50 women entrepreneurs around the country as part of the 2023 Tory Burch Foundation Fellows, and I’ve been highlighted by media powerhouse platforms, such as Fast Company, NASDAQ, BBC Travel, & MindBodyGreen. I’m passionate about breathing life into established brands, buzzworthy influencers, & early-stage startups, partnering with Neutrogena, Toyota, Viasat, Clockwise, Chef Works, Tandem Diabetes Care, JadeyWadey180 & more. Some of the most impactful transformations for clients come through my role as a mindset coach, where I nurture professional women of color, visionary entrepreneurs, and divorced mothers toward monumental success through exclusive private coaching featuring neuro linguistic programming techniques. Ready to scale? Let's magnify your success together with an exceptionally talented team. *** Drop me a DM & let’s make your story beautiful today. _________________________ Email: [email protected] Or message me here on LinkedIn!

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