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No matter for what reason we come together, you will quickly realise: For me, money is the beginning of friendship! I treat my business partners like friends, where honesty and responsibility are two of the most basic pillars of cooperation. Just try me out 😀😀😀 More about me: Convinced and enthusiastic father & husband with 52 years of life experience Asset manager & portfolio manager Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & FinTech Social Media & FinFluencer And here's more about me: I am a strategic advisor with over 30 years of experience in the traditional financial industry (private banking, wealth management, business development, compliance and anti-money laundering). Furthermore, I am a member of the board of directors of various companies and support them in company formations as well as on a strategic level (approvals, licences, memberships for e.g. SRO and FINMA). For several years, I have become an expert with a large network in the field of Fintech, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies. I am also a member of various associations (e.g. FinTech Circle London, Crypto Valley Association Zug, Bitcoin Association Switzerland, Deutscher Fachjournalisten Verband DFJV. With my work ethic and desire to support entrepreneurs, I am also a consultant at CV Labs in the heart of Crypto Valley in Switzerland, where I advise founders on social media / audience development. Board of Directors | LinkedIn Coach | Asset Management | Blockchain & Crypto | Company Foundation | Certified Crypto Finance Expert (CCFE)

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