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Julia Danuta Borkowska

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Illinois State Board Certified reading specialist, learning specialist, and life skills and English teacher. Prepare students and facilitate transition to post-secondary options, including considering transition placements within the district after senior year for those who will benefit from continued high school services. Connect families with agencies to support and prepare students and families to meet their full potential in students’ post secondary lives. Key agencies include the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), Bridges from School to Work, After School Matters, and Equip for Equality. Teach reading, including Wilson Reading, and life skills classes. Lead Pride PLC’s (DEI workshops to support disability rights) to teachers at the school and transition professional developments during Noble professional developments. Promote inclusion and have great participation in Special Olympics (including Unified Sports) and Best Buddies, a club that pairs students in friendships with disabilities and without and has a student lead board that plans monthly events. Detail orientated, creative, and possess a high ability to multi-task and solve problems. I strive to provide the best special education program to students at our school and network with the objective of students meeting their full potential to lead independent, successful lives.

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