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Julie Russell

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Integration expert with a long history of working with MuleSoft under Professional Services. Inventor and Product Owner of the Nine Gold Platform. Nine Gold Platform is a no-code platform that is built to scale. It hosts multiple products that are centered around assisting the development process in Integration. Nine Gold is designed to address two main specific pain points, speed to market and code quality. With the company’s method of automating the code, Diamond Edge IT is able to deliver code in bulk, significantly increasing the development time up to 80% faster. Nine Gold has two key components that bring home the company mission statement. The first is to accelerate the development of software. Nine Gold is centered around code automation to assist in the development of Integration assets. The second is the maintenance of open best practices. Nine Gold is “opinionated software” designed to build code quality by giving the Nine Gold Community a say in what we generate through our Open Best Practices.

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