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Front End Software Engineer with 13+ years of experience, specializing in crafting client-side web applications with meticulous attention to detail and a passion for creating sleek, modern interfaces. KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Leading Front-End Development for new React version of SchoolMessenger’s Communicate app, used by school administrators and staff members at over 60K+ school districts across North America. * Developed Front-End for SchoolMessenger’s legacy (Backbone JS) MessageSender app, in use for 10+ years in the US and Canada, delivering millions of broadcasts annually to parents and students. * Led Full Stack Team through the SDLC of SchoolMessenger’s SM Sender App mobile app, utilizing React Native and Redux, launched on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in 2021. * Led Development of SchoolMessenger’s Forms web app, in React, Redux and Material UI (MUI), enabling custom form creation for data collection and integrating it into SchoolMessenger’s product suite. * Implemented Highly-Trafficked Landing Page for SchoolMessenger’s Message Attachment links, used by millions of parents and students annually. * Developed Checkout UI for shop.com, deployed in 2012, widely used by customers until its later revamp.

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