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Jen Van Horn

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💻 Head over to my website to see my work: https://jenjenvanhorn.myportfolio.com/ 👩🏻‍🎨 I’m not JUST a remote, freelance Senior Motion Designer, I’m also an Art Director, Digital Artist, published Illustrator, Video Editor, Photo-Manipulator, Motion Design Mentor, Online Educator, Teaching Assistant at School of Motion, and podcast host for the weekly mograph chat, “Monday Meeting”! https://www.mondaymeeting.org/podcast 👑 Crowned the "Queen of Explainers" by my crew, I’ve brought to life a mind-blowing 150+ explainer videos in After Effects! I’m a time-bending, project-crushing master with a background in task management, and I’m always looking to build new relationships with more motion studios across the US. If you’d like to connect, message me and I’ll schedule a digital coffee! ☕️ 🍎 I've been selected to be a WIA Mentor this fall (2024) and I'm so excited! https://womeninanimation.org/ 🍻 I'm starting a Northern Colorado female/non binary Motion Design meetup group, or possibly resurrecting the Panimation Denver chapter, so if you have questions about becoming a member, or want to be involved in planning/hosting future events, please reach out! 🙌 Please scroll down to read some of my many (and very much appreciated) testimonials from my clients and colleagues. ☎️ If you are a client in need of a full team to produce your motion project (script, direction, design, narration, music, and animation), or you are a studio looking to fill several positions, message me and I’ll tap my network for some recommendations!

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