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Karese Laguerre

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✨OMT Top Media Influencer | Dental Revenue Generator I Airway and Sleep Faculty | Author ✨ Digital has disrupted dental practice employee and patient retention. With unprecedented access, patients are empowered to self-educate and employees are enhancing skills in side gigs and losing interest in clinical work. To be successful in today’s market, you need to align with evolving interdisciplinary techniques and provide services for overall wellness to enhance positioning… 📲online. DID YOU KNOW: 📌45% of the global population suffers from sleep deprivation, causing the WHO to declare it a global epidemic 📌1 in 3 Americans are estimated to struggle with sleep disordered breathing 📌80% of those with sleep apnea are undiagnosed 📌Only 5% of dental practices offer sleep and airway services Have you noticed that your practice revenue has stalled, and your passion waned? It’s time to modernize your systems & skills to embrace sleep and airway dentistry and leverage the digital age! 💡1. I work with dentists looking to enhance practice offerings and employee skills with proven systems for screening and implementing sleep and airway dentistry. 💡2. I help dental hygienists escape feelings of clinical burnout by revitalizing their skills and passion through education on practicing oral myofunctional therapy. 🥇As a speaker and educator, conference organizers have rated my lectures as their #1 program based on attendee feedback for engagement and unique content. I pride myself on delivering engaging, actionable and FUN lectures that challenge dental professionals to rediscover their passion, achieve sustained productivity, and enhance revenue production. My proprietary SOUND Sleep Screening System has helped dentists add nearly half a millions of dollars in additional practice revenue. As a digital enthusiast, my mind is blown by the capabilities that technology now provides us. However, none of that means anything without emotional intelligence, authority positioning & authentic relationship-building. We are, after all, in the business of PEOPLE. I deliver solutions that merge the best of both worlds. Ready to grow personally and professionally? Let’s connect! For meeting planners + podcasters --> https://themyospot.com/myo-media.html For dentists + clinical team --> https://go.oncehub.com/dentalsleepandairway Or send me a text message  (732) 277-2259

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