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Karl Wood FCIPD, FCPHR's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Karl Wood FCIPD, FCPHR


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I am a commercially astute senior executive with more than 25 years of international, cross-sector human resources management experience. Specialising in business-critical HR projects and change, I have established a reputation as a highly capable and innovative leader with dexterity in generating results in complex, change-resistant environments. I thrive in non-BAU HR environments, setting the ‘People’ vision and direction as businesses pivot, evolve and transform. ▶️ I deliver difficult, business-critical change by building best-in-class HR strategies, underpinned by rigorous governance, that bring the corporate vision to fruition while minimising risk and liability. ▶️ During my career, I have been at the forefront of diverse HR projects and programmes, including talent acquisition exercises, systems implementations (ATS, LMS), process improvement initiatives and workforce downsizing. ▶️ I keep commercial imperatives front and centre, creating a clear line of sight between HR actions and strategic objectives, leveraging data and analytics. ▶️ Adding social value is hugely important to me, incorporating D&I, ESG and CSR dimensions, and I champion the reputational and credibility gains that come about when organisations follow this path. ▶️ I translate fast-moving board priorities into value add, best-fit People-based solutions, operating as a trusted HR thought leader and business partner. Most recently, I orchestrated a large-scale HR Services Programme underpinning the launch of Allwyn UK, the new national lottery operator in the UK. I defined the talent acquisition strategy that took the headcount from <20 to >300 people in 12 months while delineating the Allwyn UK TOM with senior stakeholders, curating a brand-new EVP, developing a best practice HR delivery model and advancing the ambitious DEI agenda. With a background in hospitality, I held earlier roles with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and Orient-Express Hotels, Trains and Cruises. My leadership skills and collaborative communication style enable me to build high-performing, inclusive workforce cultures. The constantly evolving nature of the HR profession continues to excite me, especially given the rise of remote work, technology advancements and changing workforce demographics. I am driven by a combination of my passion for people and a desire to make a positive impact on organisations. If you consider me a good fit for a non-executive directorship or executive-level project role that you are seeking to fill, get in touch. I welcome networking opportunities and new connections.

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