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I have 6 years of experience in Product Management across large-scale consumer internet startups (PharmEasy, Lenskart, PolicyBazaar). My experience includes both - building products from the very scratch (0-to-1) and Scaling already existing products (1-to-n). I have led Product work streams like Acquisition, Retention, Search, Recommendation, Growth, and Monetisation. My key professional accomplishments: A) Product lead for PharmEasy Search, Personalisation, and Recommendation Charter. Conceptualised Product Roadmap/Strategy, and Built features across these work streams to drive an additional $XXM/yr in revenue. B) Product Lead for Lenskart Online Business in the USA. Built the product from the very ground up, achieved product market fit, and scaled the product to drive $XXM/yr in revenue. C) Product Lead for PharmEasy Acquisition & Growth charter. Built features / led initiatives to drive additional XXK/month users organically. On the Personal front, I am highly ambitious, entrepreneurial in nature, and a hustler at heart. I don’t get startled by ambiguous situations and strive to bring clarity/structure wherever needed. I love solving hard problems/challenges and always strive to create a significant impact. Please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any help. M: +918130373985 E: [email protected]

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