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Kateryna Belova's Linkedin Analytics

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Kateryna Belova

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I am a Customer Relationship Director at Computools Switzerland, a full-service software company that designs solutions to help companies meet the needs of tomorrow. With a master's degree in BWL from Freie Universität Berlin, I have a solid foundation in business strategy and management. My acumen covers a spectrum, from Information Technology to Software as a Service (SaaS) and forward-thinking Business Strategy. I lead with empathy, using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. I have successfully managed multiple large-scale projects for clients across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and consumer service, increasing their user retention, revenue, and satisfaction. At Computools, we shape the future with products, services and solutions that businesses need to Unlock Tomorrow. Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we collaborate, contribute, and empower each other. We are immensely proud to have been consecutively recognized as a leading outsourcing company by the IAOP in 2020, 2022, and 2023. My goal is to continue delivering innovative and impactful solutions that create value for our clients and society. Feel free to ping me here on LN or at [email protected]

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