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Katharina Marzen's Linkedin Analytics

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Hi there, I'm Kat - Here's what you need to know: 🌟 I'm a skilled and detail-oriented project manager with over 10 years of experience in client management, sales, fundraising and customer success. 🌟 I've led both virtual and in-person fundraising events and feel very comfortable with group facilitation and public-speaking. 🌟 I believe in bringing authenticity into the workplace and forming long-lasting relationships with clients and colleagues alike. It's all about connections! 🌟 I'm a team player, a problem solver and a critical thinker. I'm also fully bilingual in both English and French (still working on my German). 🌟 I focus on designing and implementing customized professional development at scale and coaching programs through B2B technology @ EZRA. 🌟 I'm passionate about enabling individuals and organizations to drive measurable impact and growth through transformative coaching opportunities that address the ever-changing needs and challenges of the enterprise world. Got a question? Let's connect!

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