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Katherine Hawkins Jones (FCIPD)'s Linkedin Analytics

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Katherine Hawkins Jones

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An innovative HR professional, I am deeply passionate about sharing my HR knowledge with others. I am on a continuing journey to grow my own knowledge by harnessing the skills and experiences of those around me, utilising tech and social media to reach out to previously unavailable sources. I believe strongly in placing HRLD at the heart of all business activity and love to demonstrate exactly what an effective People strategy can achieve. Curious by nature I challenge myself, and in turn those around me, to deliver creative solutions, the success of which I pride myself in being able to evidence financially and wider commercial performance measures. Challenging the norm, pushing the boundaries and expanding into new territories is what excites me and is where I add true value to an organisation. HR should be blazing a trail for others to follow. Whilst there is a place for tried and tested methods of people management, I do thrive in an environment that is brave enough to try something new. I actively advocate the power of HR and show what is possible if you really do embrace a people strategy that is for your people. I am driven by my personal philosophy of SAY IT. MEAN IT. DO IT. If you need my skills described in a more traditional sense here it is: Developed over 15 years I have both strategic and operational work force management experience, gained in retail, hospitality and automotive sectors, managing multi-site populations. I project manage multiple people initiatives across short to long term schedules. Areas of skill and professional ability include; Organisation design; ER case management; HR legislation implementation; L&D design and facilitation; Change management; Performance management; Talent mapping and succession planning; Recruitment and retention; Executive coaching and mentoring; Benefit and reward; HSE and compliance.

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