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Katherine R. Matheson

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I believe in the human capacity to learn, grow and solve complex problems. Learning is a fundamental part of what it means to be human; we cannot live lives of fulfillment without meaningful learning experiences. My love of learning is what drives me to be better, in so many different contexts--a better communicator (in two languages), a better designer and trainer, a better mom, a better partner. The throughline of my story is learning. From reading books on the playground as a child, to podcast obsessions as an adult, I’ve always loved learning about other ways of thinking and being. This curiosity led me to travel extensively from a young age (living on 3 continents and an archipelago by age 30), learning to communicate in Spanish and English with people from many different backgrounds. I leveraged my international experience to a career in education, where I became known for innovative curriculum design, intentional DEIJ work, and forward-thinking technology strategy. I design and facilitate high-impact learning programs, collaborate with cross-functional teams, coach and mentor early-career colleagues, and provide thought leadership to senior management. I strive to use my skill of clear, compassionate communication to build relationships and drive positive change. At home, I’m Mom to two wonderful, energetic young kids (plus rescue dog), a life partner to an amazingly talented human, a pretty good cook and a die-hard podcast fan. Like so many other working parents, I face challenges in managing the daily demands on my time and energy, and I’m committed to being honest about those challenges while supporting other families in similar positions. Here are some of the questions I’ve been grappling with on the job and at home: How can we onboard an experientially diverse group of new hires, given limited time and resources? How can we make our learning programs both personally relevant to our learners and aligned to a clear, coherent vision? What are the obstacles to collaboration among my team members? How can we remove them? Why do we need AI? What can AI not do that only humans can do? How can I get my two children to play together peacefully so that I can make dinner? (Does anyone have ideas for me?) Interested in having authentic, thought-provoking (and sometimes funny) conversations about learning? Let’s connect!

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