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Kati Schneider

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Hi, I am Kati, a lifestyle family photographer and filmmaker in Zurich, Switzerland. I help amazing families like yours celebrate life as it is by creating NATURAL and JOYFUL photographs (and a film if desired) full of warmth, showing the AFFECTION and LOVE you have for one another ❤️ I create memories not only of your children for you, but I also create wonderful keepsakes FOR your children OF YOU, their parents. What could be more heartwarming for your children, once grown up, than to see photos and videos of themselves laughing, cuddling and playing with mum and dad 😍 HOW I CAN HELP YOU: Being a business owner and a mom myself, I appreciate how busy you are. That’s why, when you book me, I TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING for you. You'll have a wonderful, relaxed experience, spend some quality time with your family, and receive a gorgeous tangible product with your family portraits. 💛 First, we'll meet in person or virtually to get to know each other and to answer all your questions. I'll help you choose your outfits, the location for your shoot, the space where your family portraits will be hanging/standing etc. 💛 I will then photograph you in your HOME or a favourite PARK of yours (or often both), where you feel comfortable and can all be yourself. You don't have to pose and your kids don't have to behave. All you do is spend a fabulous time with your loved ones. 💛 Following this, I will come to you, showing you your photographs, beautifully curated in a slideshow. You'll enjoy them in the comfort of your own home, with a cup of tea or a glass of bubbly if you prefer. 💛 Lastly, I will personally deliver your OUTSTANDING PRINTED PRODUCTS, ready to be hung on your wall or sit on your coffee table. No need ever for you to organise a sitter for the kids or even get out of your comfortable clothes. I'LL COME TO YOU, AT A TIME CONVENIENT TO YOU. All you have to do is be there for your photoshoot and enjoy some LOVELY FAMILY TIME together. WHAT TO DO NOW? 💛 If you are interested in chatting and finding out more, book a quick, non-committal phone consultation at https://katiphotography.com/book-your-complimentary-consultation/ 💛 If you want to know more about me or get advice on how to better photograph your own family, click on and follow my hashtag #familyphotographerzurich 💛 And if you'd like to find out more and see samples of my work and products, why not head over to my website at www.katiphotography.com I look forward to capturing your family story ❤️

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