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Keilan Clark

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Hello, below is my attempt to be original and provide a quick snapshot of who I am, if that's even possible. You won't find flowery words like "my mission" or how passionate I am about sales. Because most of what people write about themselves in their bio is bull shit. Oops. You are not supposed to swear on Linkedin. Keep it professional. Anywho, here is my best attempt to give you a 1000-foot view of yours truly. When I finished high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. However, I did know that I had zero interest in stepping into another school ever again. So I did what any 18-year-old would do and created an ice cream business with a friend. No, no, I know what you are thinking. It wasn't a gross white van, and I certainly didn't drive around the neighborhood with God-awful music playing to lure kids to my van. We had a custom-built trailer that was painted deep blue. It was sweet. We had boat speakers, and a TV mounted to the front, which played 90's cartoons on repeat. We figured out pretty quickly that you can't just sit and wait for the customers to come. I learned how to cold call decently effectively. I only had a couple of people tell me to f**k off. To be honest, pitching an ice cream truck to larger companies is relatively easy. We also caught the wave of food trucks being cool and trendy to have at your weddings. They were my favorite events to work. I mostly cried and ate ice cream during those shifts, even though I didn't have any relation to the bride and groom. I am a sap like that. Four years of running that truck made me a decent communicator. I learned how to run a small team (mostly my friends, if I am being honest), read a profit and loss doc, and how to position your business to customers. Branding is important! I sold that business to a restaurant group in Vancouver five years after starting. Since I am maxed at 2600 characters on Linkedin, I will fast-forward to today. Plus, I doubt most people have made it this far. I have been the Operations Manager at Rain Gear Pro for the last four years. It has been the most challenging thing I have taken on to date, and I wouldn't change it for everything. Every day I have the opportunity to learn something new, work with cool customers and team members, and, most importantly, have fun. Ok, I have fun 90% of the time. For the other 10%, I am banging my head against the desk. When not working, I play pickleball, hike mountains, and sample the odd glass of chardonnay (read, he's basically a sommelier). I am out of characters. Thanks for reading!

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