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Kelly C. Doherty's Linkedin Analytics

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Kelly C. Doherty

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Writer, producer, and content strategist crafting compelling content for state agencies, startups, B2B brands, national organizations, and news and documentary outlets. Proven leader, problem solver, and relationship-builder who executes with excellence. Passionate storyteller, lifelong learner, and seeker of new experiences. My work has been featured on CNBC, Smithsonian Channel's YouTube and social media, Yahoo.com, NYTimes.com, Time.com, Guardian.com, KVRR News (Fox affiliate for ND, SD and MN), McClatchyDC.com and affiliated McClatchy News sites, MilitaryTimes.com, The Washington Post’s WhoRunsGov.com, ImmigrantConnect.org, the Northwest Indiana Times’ Get Healthy magazine, MedillDC.net, MedillNewsService.com and others. Contact me at [email protected] to collaborate!

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