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Kerlan LaCaille, AMIMarEST.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Chief Engineer Officer of The Watch III/2 Motor Ships Unlimited. MCA United kingdom. ●Marine engineer officer from the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, certified by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom. ●Primarily worked within the commercial offshore shipping sector since 2013, for multinational companies with their clients being offshore energy companies. ●Experience in various offshore vessels. ●Vessel Types: -Drillship Ultra Deepwater (7th Generation) DP3, -Anchor Handler Tug Supply DP2, -Platform Supply Vessel DP2, -Fast Supply Intervention Vessel DP2, -Emergency Response Rescue Vessel DP2, -Azimuth Stern Drive Tug, -STAN Tug ●Professional Affiliation: Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology. MarEngTech, EngTech, AMIMarEST.

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