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Ketan Bhurchandi's Linkedin Analytics

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Ketan Bhurchandi

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Growing up, I would go through every toy/game/gadget at sight in an attempt to understand how and why they work the way they do. Just like everything in life, I succeeded at some and failed at others. My failed experiments were not enough to stop me, rather, I approached my next "experiment" with lessons from the failed ones to ensure growth. I’m a sales rep passionate about meeting new people, building strong partnerships, and solving problems to fuel organization's growth. Do you want to improve your learning experience while also increasing your ROI? We assist global enterprises address their learning and development challenges by providing effective and engaging learning solutions: • Custom e-Learning • Microlearning • Interactive Videos & Animations • Translation & Localization • VILT Development • Scenarios & Gamification In my free time, you might find me hiking, and traveling to different places :) Feel free to reach out to me at- Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.knowzies.com/ Contact: (+91) 954-511-6983

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