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Kevin S. Beck, MBA's Linkedin Analytics

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(Oct 2020 - Present) As a member of the US Navy F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO), I am the point of contact for all services, partner nations, and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to field Interim Contract Support (ICS) for First Aircraft Arrival(FAA). I work with the all individual sites to support any and all logistics and acquisition support for aircraft capability. In supporting all branches of the US military and purchasing nations, I communicate/advise all aspects of ICS personnel are considered to meet mission requirements. (Jan 2019 - Oct 2020) Member of Air Force program support team that handles all aspects and support for a new Air Force aircraft. As a former aircraft munitions loader (462), and as a aircraft maintenance mechanic, I have the abilities and skills to be a productive member of a team. I have recently graduated with high honors with a MBA in Project Management. As a retired SNCO, allows me to lead by example and understand the concepts of a project. (Oct 2009 - Dec 2018) Member of Multi-Functional Contract Field Teams that oversights all branches of US military to ensure government contractors oversight and comply to contractual higher-standards and comply with service directives. Member of Multi-Functional Simulator Team that oversights all branches of US military to ensure government contractors oversight and comply to contractual higher-standards and comply with service directives.

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