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Kevin Wheeler

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As an articulate communicator, I excel in collaborating cross-functionally with internal stakeholders to define and execute the vision, scope, timelines, and deliverables for training projects. My expertise in instructional design includes: identifying learning objectives, assessing learners, strategizing performance outcomes, and solving training problems while working in partnership with SMEs and internal stakeholders. I support the development, retention, and promotion of high-performing teams, while also effectively managing time and fostering open communication and collaboration. As a passionate training advocate, I am committed to fostering a culture of learning that is both engaging and enjoyable. Continuously seeking to expand my skills, I currently am growing my skills in video and sound editing, with the aim of incorporating those skills into my instructional design and eLearning projects. I would describe myself as a hard-working, dedicated, and loyal worker who brings an eagerness to every endeavor I undertake. Outside of work, I'm a proud Dad-Joke Enthusiast and Cat Dad to Luna Lovegood 🐈. You can often find me cycling 🚲, hiking 🏞, indulging in video games 🖥, exploring the latest movies 🎞🍿, or sporting my beloved Outback Hats 🤠. Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to create impactful learning experiences for your company!

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