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👉 Kevin Clement's Linkedin Analytics

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👉 Kevin Clement

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🎁 I offer you 4 hours of FREE consulting without commitment for the 5 first who contact me! >> Depending on your project/problem, I present you with pragmatic advice, personalized recommendations and a deliverable. Contact me: 06 14 17 85 46 - [email protected] 💪17 years of experience in Marketing and Communication >> Young enough to walk fast and old enough to know the path ;) 💼 BtoB distribution of document transformation solutions >> But all marketing techniques are mostly applicable to BtoC 👨‍🎓 An MBA in progress and an upcoming certification in Growth Marketing >> Validated in October 2022, but it is as if it was done 😎 🤝 Experience in team management and resources coordination >> For project management, it helps! 🙋‍♂️ My soft skills: Empathy, active listening, flexibility/adaptability, curiosity, and rigor. 📢 My punch line: "Communicating well is first listening"

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