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Empowering your business with brand strategy! Tired of losing customers because your brand is not clear to people? Wasting precious hours of your time trying to design on the fly? Getting beat out by competitors because you don't know how to set yourself apart? Need to know who your audience is and how to reach them? Losing potential clients because you don't have good materials to send? Trying to grow getting tripped up with no structural process in place? Ready to up your game? Do you want visual presence that lifts your products and services in the eyes of the customer and targets value? Written content that speaks directly to your customer to increase sales? Sales and marketing structures created for your specific business to remove guesswork and get you in front of your customer? Community building strategies that keep audiences engaged and inspired? Consistency and resonance that makes people comfortable with trusting your company? What you need: A designer and messaging specialist who knows how to create brand identity and structured process that will grow with you. Foundational structures that will save you valuable time, money and manpower every year, while increasing sales. A reliable, knowledgeable, creative specialist who knows business and how important your company is to you, your family and your community. Hi šŸ‘‹ I'm Kimberly šŸ˜Š I love helping people. I do that in the realm of business start up coaching and brand refresh. I offer branding and marketing solutions for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners, by turning your vision into reality with services like: NEW BRANCH OF REALCREATE - Art For Brands! ( Real art by real artists, for your brand - We've soft launched - reach out to get started today) REALCREATE: startup-branding-marketing-art āœ…ļø Start-up strategy, incubate, implement and accelerate. āœ…ļø Branding - Visual, Messaging & Strategy āœ…ļø In-depth identity program, process, and naming, to attract, resonate and leave a positive impression. āœ…ļø Websites āœ…ļø Content creation, visual assets and messaging, that rally interest and hit home with your ideal customers. āœ…ļø Presentations - Creative Assets: social media, pitches, ads, merch āœ…ļø Profile development assistance āœ…ļø Email, blog & newsletter campaign services. āœ…ļø IDEATION āœ…ļø Banners, business card, print/digital marketing āœ…ļø Training for various online tools and platforms. āœ…ļø Social media management/Community building strategy Can't wait to meet you šŸ˜Š Let's start a conversation

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