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Kimberly Tucker

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Author of: "Under The Banana Moon (living, loving, loss and aspergers)" Forward by international bestselling author Donna Williams http://www.amazon.com/Under-The-Banana-Moon-Aspergers/dp/150572886X QA Associate/Data Analyst shadow for Ultranauts Inc. Serves as BOD member on Art of Autism (AoA). Curates yearly AoA Women's History Month Contest. Autism book reviewer for autistic peers on behalf of AoA. Published writer since 1999: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Anthology, Review Ghostwriter for burn survivor Tony Yarijanian for the true story: "Reborn Through Fire" Artist, currently showing acrylic and collage canvases in New England galleries since 2007. Mural work: 2007 Contributed writing/designed cover for anthology: 'Selective Mutism-In our own words' by Sutton & Forrester. Collage/woodcarving/mosaic/mural/acrylic/3-D artist. Artwork and writing has appeared in online format including Autsim Aspergers Digest and The Mighty. Artwork/writing has been published in dozens of publications/newsletters/journals/books, including "Been There, Done That, Try This" by Jessica Kingsley Publications 2014. Work appearing on cover and in the beautiful hardcover "The Art of Autism" book series and in several other books related to autism with accompanying essays that describe autistic experience. Some other publications: The award winning book "Firsts" (Cipriani 2018). Kaleidoscope March Street Press Curbside Review Women From Another Planet (Miller 2003) Planet Vermont Quarterly... and more. Interviewed in the docu-film "ARTS" by 'normal films' producer Keri Bowers and upcoming film "Desire" by K. Bowers. Kim has artwork in the collection of a Grammy winner. Has done radio (Texas), presentations (Lesley College) related to art and autism, and podcasts (Different Brains), as well as a collage workshop (Good Purpose Gallery, Lee Mass.). Stint (brief) doing paralegal research. Advocate for autistics. Graduate in Writing for Children.

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