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Kim Witten, PhD

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After spending over four decades overthinking absolutely everything, I know exactly how persistent thoughts can steal your time, energy, and motivation. I’ve transformed this overthinking ability into a super skill and have become an expert in analyzing behavior and communication. With over 20 years of human-centered design experience, a PhD in Sociolinguistics, and recognition from the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach, I’ve spent decades studying what makes people tick. That's why my mission today is to help overwhelmed creatives turn their overthinking into expert thinking. From career-changers to change-makers, I’ve supported people from all over the globe to master their mindset, build their resilience and feel more confident, so that they can create the life they really want and reach their potential. One of my guiding principles is that information worth knowing is worth freely sharing. I post insights here on LinkedIn and Medium. Even more can be found on my website, witten.kim, where you can join expert thinkers who are gaining clarity and getting more done with the help of the free Hold That Thought newsletter. I share 3 useful things every Thursday, plus you can access all the free worksheets, articles, concepts, how-to guides and more. Click the “Get 3 useful things” link at the top of my profile right now to get in on it. Creating these resources allows me to share what I know and it allows you to discover more about me and to benefit from things that are truly useful for creating the life you want. And if you want to take this work even further, you can easily reach out to me. That’s how it works. I don’t advertise or hard sell. I create and share. If that resonates with you, we’re probably a good fit to achieve some great things together. If you want to end your overthinking, stop feeling like an imposter, and no longer worry about what other people think of you, get in touch with me. I will help you to get your ideas heard and support you to reach your full potential. Send me a message, or email me at anytime at coaching@witten.kim. I look forward to speaking with you!

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