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Klaus Meisel

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💡WHO am I Hi, my name is Klaus. Instead of becoming a teacher, I went into the recruitment industry in 2011. Starting out as a recruiter, the second boss threw me in at the deep end and I worked my way up to Senior Key Account Manager Team Lead. C19 put a stop to the time off to travel, and so I became an entrepreneur myself. In the meantime, I founded my third company and, together with Nicole Nehmann, launched the Agile Get Together Community in early 2023. In my private life, the best way to clear my head is to go for long jogs, eat good food and watch exciting football matches. 💡WHAT I do We support teams and managers in agile digital product development by placing freelance consultants for interim assignments. Furthermore, the Agile Get Together Community offers a platform for networking and sharing knowledge. 💡WHY with us We offer a "boutique" approach with high quality standards and an excellent cost-benefit ratio. ➡️ Personal network with a community approach Rather than being a typical recruitment agency, we work based on our community, which has grown over the years. Due to close personal contact with our network, we are very present in the target group, have an extremely high level of candidate commitment and are the go-to contact when it comes to new project assignments. That means you also get access to candidates you might not expect. ➡️ Appealing pricing model We are a small company with a fully remote approach and lean structures. We can therefore provide top services at low cost. Unlike many other recruitment agencies, we work on a fixed fee basis, regardless of salary or hourly rate. ➡️ Open Book Who wants to buy a pig in a poke? Transparency is key to us - towards clients and freelancers. That is why we disclose our commission rates. ➡️ Long-standing professional expertise 13 years in the recruitment business, extensive expertise in agile digital product development and an established, powerful network. This benefits our partners when filling vacancies. ➡️ An ideal addition to your existing portfolio A larger candidate pool increases the likelihood of finding the top solution for your team. With our community approach, we therefore make an ideal add-on to internal recruiting and the database pool of other service providers, without any risk. Still have questions? Take a look at our FAQs: https://www.agile-gt.com/services

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