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Kris Minkel

open on linkedin

-Over 11 years of recruiting experience. -Master Of The Follow Up -Eight years of national full cycle recruiting experience (temporary and permanent placement) in roles varying from Customer Service to High Level IT. -Three and a half years of multilevel management experience with a focus in sales, coaching and developing talent. -Strong experience in internet recruiting, sourcing, behavioral based interviewing, and utilizing creative methods to find candidates. -Excellent verbal and written communication skills. -Professional, organized, and committed to giving 100% effort to the organization that I work for! A great recruiter is an effective listener who can help and provide information and assistance to those in need. Just like any other service, you want to work with someone who is knowledgeable and can help you along your chosen path. I take pride in helping get you to that next level. Feel free to message me directly if you are looking for work and I will do my best to help point you in the right direction! Specialties: Staffing, Recruiting, Sourcing, Behavioral Based Interviewing, Analyzing Talent, Virtual Recruiting, Coaching, Internet Search Methods, Networking, Recruiting Process Improvement, Salary Negotiation, In Office Comedy, Master Of The Follow Up, Key Contributor to Dad Jokes Slack Channel

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