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Kristi Oliva M.Ed. Program Manager

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I am a former middle school teacher but now I work as a program manager in the corporate space. Since transitioning from the classroom 4 years ago, I have worked for 3 Fortune 10 companies and been promoted twice. I was a teacher for 15 years and thought it was all I was ever going to do. I mean, it was all I had ever WANTED to do. I loved interacting with the kids, and I was a good teacher. But then I became a single mom. I had an 18-month old and was 4 months pregnant when suddenly I was on my own. I was making less than $40k a year so I knew I had to do something else for my career, or I wouldn’t be able to support my family. I thought I only had two options: get a higher degree in order to become a principal, or get a higher degree in order to become a professor. Either way, I thought the only way for me to switch careers was to get another degree. So I enrolled in a Masters program. My goal was to get my masters and eventually move on to my Ph.D. so I could become a professor. But to be honest, I still wasn’t excited about changing careers. I researched the possible positions open for professors as well as the salary expectations. Not long after, I discovered instructional design and IDOL Academy, which is the first and only trade school for instructional design and online learning, which is a HUGE deal. Through the Academy, I built a portfolio, learned the tools of the trade, and translated my teacher skills to corporate language. I transitioned to my first corporate role and instantly increased my income to $67K! I was thrilled. Because of what I learned from IDOL Academy, I was quickly promoted to Senior instructional designer in that role. At around the same time I was offered a position at another Fortune 10 company! And this time making $90K! I couldn't believe it. Fast forward to now, I work at one of the largest companies in the world as a Program Manager. And I want to help you get there too! I have taken everything I have learned from leaving the classroom and put it all together to help you leave the classroom and find your next career!

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