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Kristin O.

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Through innovative brand and demand strategies, I turn opportunity and vision into pipeline and growth. As a proven B2B technology marketing leader, I seek and succeed in marketing leadership roles where I'm responsible for growth and transformation for innovators from the Fortune 500 to start-ups. I've defined brand and demand marketing strategies and built teams in varied business scenarios, including: - [First] marketing leader (or marketer) for software | SaaS start-ups - Fractal business unit marketing leader - acquisition, divestiture, incubated products or other "skunkworks' strategic and transformation initiatives - Americas | US | public sector divisional or partner marketing leader for mid and later-stage growth companies I'm a practical visionary who has been recognized for building new (and up-leveling mature) teams to drive achievement of both pipeline and corporate goals. I’ve also built a reputation as a committed scrappy leader who knows how to make work enjoyable, having some fun throughout the ebbs and flows of driving growth, to support building great workplaces where employees thrive and want to grow their careers AND businesses accelerate. Throughout my career, I've continued to seek out new opportunities to broaden my marketing expertise, and now with broad technology industry knowledge, I have experience messaging and positioning SaaS | software, hardware and telecommunications | networking technology products and services and have successfully driven demand in both commercial industries and public sector (federal government) markets worldwide for both direct and indirect routes to market for enterprise large and SMB markets. As a data-driven, revenue-focused marketing executive, I have earned multiple awards for my marketing leadership and business success. With resilience as a core attribute, I've built a solid track record of creating and executing effective direct and partner global campaigns, as well as developing compelling and differentiated content, positioning, and storytelling, often in the midst of driving key change initiatives. I have also been the marketing executive in charge in over 20 acquisitions and divestitures, leading the marketing integration and alignment of diverse software portfolios. The most enjoyable aspect of work for me is collaborating closely with team members, colleagues, partners and suppliers to build and scale high-performing global GTM functions, and together celebrating our wins fostering a cross-functional culture of excellence, collaboration, and creativity.

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