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Kristy Merson's Linkedin Analytics

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Kristy Merson

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I'm a consultant and entrepreneur with a curious mind, an invigorating leadership style, an addiction to objectivity and a knack for crafting a compelling story. A proud Generalist, I apply insights from my broad set of experiences to identify creative solutions to the most unyielding challenges. I'm passionate about all forms of diversity and believe innovation happens at the intersection of seemingly unrelated subjects. It takes all kinds. I've built and led teams in Technical Sales, Product and Operations. I've helped hundreds of companies get clear on their vision, align their resources, redefine their customer experience and optimise their operations. I've worked for 5-person companies, 500-person companies and 50,000-person companies (and technically, 1-person companies). I've worked in Tech, Financial Services, HLS, Travel & Hospitality, Retail, Luxury and am currently undertaking research on Food Waste in our homes and in Social/Behavioural Science. Honoured, surprised and above all, exceptionally proud to have been named in the 100 Most Influential Women in Engineering by Inclusive Boards and the Financial Times.

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