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What's your annoying superpower? I write simple and entertaining texts on complicated topics. I’m a maths nerd turned into a law nerd turned into a word nerd. Sounds like a downward spiral? On the contrary. I’m not an aspiring poetess/novelist who writes the elaborate self-indulging overly-artistic text that no one bares to read through. In fact, no one reads your texts from start to finish anyways - people skim through to get to the point. And that’s what I do - I get to the point. (Ironically, after a hundred words of babbling.) What’s the secret to clear and simple writing? Asking "why" a thousand times. And then one more time. Like that relentless 3-year-old who never grew up. Also, ironclad logic, abstract thinking skills, and good vocabulary doesn't hurt. So if you have a content problem... if no one else can help... You probably have no point in calling the A-team. But you can call me.

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