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Edgar Kussberg's Linkedin Analytics

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Edgar Kussberg

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I am an experienced product and engineering leader with a passion for driving innovation and purpose within organizations. With a successful track record in transforming product development and fostering high-performing teams, I bring over a decade of product, engineering and design management experience to the table. My latest positions include: 🔍 Senior Product Manager at Snyk: leading a dynamic group of teams focused on leveraging AI and ML to revolutionize developer-first security products. I take immense pride in developing sophisticated AI engines, pioneering vulnerability auto-fix models, and transitioning to AI models for enhanced program analysis. 💡 Product Led Growth Champion: leading a team to fuel the Product Led Growth strategy by developing "Snyk Learn", a developer-first security education product. My expertise in product management, incubation and go-to-market strategies drove steady growth and enormous adoption. 🚀 Head of Product Development at Swiss Startup Factory: I designed the venture studio where we were scouting/analyzing ideas, validating prototypes with early customers and overseeing the launch of new ventures. I co-founded STASH, where we revolutionize quick-commerce delivery, ensuring groceries and essential products reach customers' doorsteps within 10 minutes. My emphasis on engineering excellence and innovative design has established STASH as the quick-commerce leader in Switzerland

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